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Health and Safety Directorate

Information about courses

Mental Health First Aid

Delivered over 2 days in person or over four sessions online with an element of individual learning.

The course will:  

  • Give a deeper understanding of the issues that impact on and relate to people's mental health.
  • Teach practical skills that can be used every day, including being able to spot the signs and symptoms of mental health issues and feel confident guiding people towards appropriate support.

Independent research and evaluation shows that taking part in an MHFA course:

  • Raises awareness and mental health literacy
  • Reduces stigma around mental ill health and feel confident guiding people towards appropriate support
  • Boosts knowledge and confidence in dealing with mental health issues
  • Encourages people to start a conversation with a person who may be experiencing a mental health issue
  • Promotes early intervention which enables recovery.

How to book

There is currently a waiting list for this training, therefore dates are not listed on the CPD booking system. If you are interested in the attending the training, please complete the mental health first aid request form. Spaces will prioritised based on the individuals role and the current coverage in their School, Institute or Directorate.

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an internationally recognised training course, designed to teach people how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and provide help on a first aid basis. Everyone on an Adult MHFA course is taught a set of skills which enables them to support someone experiencing mental health issues.

Our MHFA instructors deliver training in four manageable chunks, each with a focus on how to apply Mental Health First Aid skills: Session 1 Mental Health First Aid, mental health, and depression. Session 2 Depression (cont.) and suicidal crisis. Session 3 Anxiety, personality disorders, eating disorders & self-harm Session 4 Psychosis, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Everyone who attends the course will receive a copy of the MHFA manual and workbook, which are both excellent support resources. When you have completed the course you will also receive a certificate to confirm that you are a trained Mental Health First Aider.

For further information on this course, please contact

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